Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Words?

I know, I know!  I haven’t posted since…since…*counts backwards on fingers*…okay, two months.  Heh.

Nixing the excuses and cutting straight to the chase, Aidan has done something very interesting today.  Allow me to illustrate.

Scene:  Driving back from the store.  Erin at the wheel, Aidan buckled safely in, and me next to him.
Ian:  Aidan, can you say, “Da da”?
Aidan:  Da da!
Ian:  Good boy!  *Gives Aidan a yogurt melt*
Aidan:  *chew**chew**chew*
Ian:  Aidan, can you say, “Ma ma”?
Aidan:  Ma ma!
Ian:  Good boy! *Gives Aidan a yogurt melt*
Aidan:  *chew**chew**chew*
Ian:  Aidan, can you say, “cat”?
Aidan:  Tat!
Ian: Good enough! *Gives Aidan a yogurt melt*
Aidan:  *chew**chew**chew*

HOW EXCITING!  Erin and I were ecstatic!

Yes, this is exactly how I taught my dog to do stuff.  But hey, stick with what works.

For awhile, Aidan has been doing a lot of “Dadadadadadada” and “Mamamamamama” and “Hhheht” for “cat”.  He has been mimicking sounds like that, but this was the first time he has mimicked words.  Can it be considered talking if he doesn’t connect any meaning to them?  Or is it still just mimicking? Simply put, I don't know.

And now, for something different.  What is Aidan doing right now?  Let's see.

Would that I could sleep so soundly!!

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