Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Baby Wears the Pants

We have an upcoming baptismal party next week that we’ve been scrambling to get ready for over the past six weeks and all of our resources are being put into the effort. When I get home we work on the house, on my days off we do yard work and any extra income goes toward hosting necessities. Since this is our first party on the property, we’ve needed a lot of stuff: canopies, paint, fencing, yard tools, lumber and miscellaneous décor. Because of this, Erin and I have been sacrificing where we can and cutting the budget up accordingly. Unfortunately, the food bill took a hit and my lunches have gone from plentiful abundance to a P&J sandwich, a bagel and another P&J sandwich. As I was eating my dry, hard bagel and sipping my tap water it occurred to me that prisoners eat better than I do. Bread and water is what third world countries live off of! I touched my cheek…yup, gaunt.

Then I came home one evening and noticed fresh bags of stuff on the table. I asked Erin what was in the bags and she said “I bought some flowers for the front garden, some Miracle Gro and some potting soil.”

What I heard was, “I bought some greens you can’t eat, food (for the flowers) and a bag of dirt.”


Silently I wondered how long it would be before I ate Finnegan.
(This is Finnegan)

Clearly I am no longer the king of the castle. I’ve been overthrown by the new king, Aidan, and rightly so. Erin and I want his party to be a hit so that people will want to come back to his future parties. He is very well-loved and his family will do what it takes for him. From riding in the Safety 1st Air Protect car seat to shopping at Goores. From drinking the best formula to starving his father, Aidan wears the pants in the family.


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