Born on April the 16th, Aidan weighed in at 8lbs 3oz with a length of 21.5in. His astrological sign claims that he will be a stubborn one and he proved it in the delivery room. As the time drew near for Aidan to arrive, the doctor checked him and found that he was sunny-side up, which means he was facing Erin's stomach. This tends to make birth harder because the head doesn't fit through the hips as it should. So the doc reached in, grabbed Aidan's head and turned him to face downward. Success! Oh no, wait...he didn't like his new position and was stronger than the doctor's fingers so Aidan flipped himself back to facing up. The nurses were worried about him coming through the canal but he ended up turning himself at the last minute. So, 56 hours of labor later, Aidan was born!
Now he's happy, healthy and the size of a four month old at nine weeks. Height runs in both sides of his family so it's no surprise that he's in the 99th percentile in weight and 96th percentile in height.